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Reflection realized in collaboration with CRIDA to Palma (Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain) - july-august 2011

Exhibition - performance - installation - drawing

El proyecto SE VENDE vio la luz durante un paseo con Ale. Volvimos a un bazar chino y encuentro el cartel “ SE VENDE ”.El encuentro entre una persona que vende “ SE VENDE ” y otra persona que compra “ SE VENDE ”. La historia comienza…

Le projet SE VENDE a vu le jour lors d'une promenade avec Ale. Nous sommes allés dans un bazar chinois et avons trouvé l'enseigne "A VENDRE".

La rencontre entre une personne qui vend "A VENDRE" et une autre personne qui achète "A VENDRE".

L'histoire commence…

The project SE VENDE saw the light during a walk with Ale. We went back to a Chinese bazaar and I found the sign "FOR SALE". The meeting between a person who sells "FOR SALE" and another person who buys "FOR SALE". The story begins…

Collaboration with CRIDA (Center for Artists’ Residencies and Exchanges)

Residency program for artists that takes place in Palma, in four studios provided by the Palma Espai d’Art Foundation in the premises of the convent of St. Jerome. This new facility located in the city center and equipped with four production sites and accommodation is intended to become a space of encounter and dialogue between the invited artists, the city and its inhabitants.

CRIDA continues with a new group of artists, who will develop their artistic projects in Palma during the next months. They are: Ale Zea (Sevilla), Miguel Ángel Moreno Carretero (Carpio), Josep Domínguez (Barcelona) and Xavier de Kepper (Bayonne).

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