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Blast - Exposition collective - Présentation des sérigraphies (projet Cu Chi Plus Zéro) - Octobre - Liège - Belgium

Marché de Noel du Lieu Commun -  Présentation des éditions - A l'invitation des Editions Terriennes - Décembre - Toulouse - France


Plus Zéro s'invite à 12900m2 - Exhibition - Marseille - France

Co-organizer with Flora Kam pour Plus Zéro 


Short Run - Comix & Arts Festival - Seattle - USA

Presentation of Plus Zero project - Collaboration with Fogland Studios

Creation of a dozen silkscreen prints by artists who came to residency by Jon Horn

CC+0 - Exhibition - Vera Project Gallery - Seattle - USA

Co-organizer of the exhibition with Flora Kam & Jon Horn

Presentation of the residency in Vietnam



Creation of Plus Zéro - Pyrénées - France

Co-Founder - Publishing & Workshop - visual art - space of reflexion & action


[pʁe.tɛkst][] - Collective Exhibition - Restitution chez Sophie - Toulouse - France

Exhibition bringing together the works of artists who participated in the residency


Retour du Vietnam II Reminiscence - Collective Exhibition - Villefranche de Rouergue - France

Scenography by Eric Gossec, La Quy Tung, Sophie Bacquié & XDK

Collaboration with FPDV, L'Atelier Blanc, L'Institut Français & La Région Midi Pyrénées - Année France-Vietnam, Nam Viet Nam Phap 2013-2014

Retour du Vietnam I Cu Chi Expérience - Collective Exhibition - St Remy - France

Scenography by Eric Gossec, La Quy Tung & XDK

Collaboration with FPDV, L'Atelier Blanc, L'Institut Français & La Région Midi Pyrénées - Année France-Vietnam, Nam Viet Nam Phap 2013-2014



Creation of Formule Polyvalente à Dilution Variable - Pyrénées - France
Co-Founder FPDV - Web magazine & project - artistic collaboration




Cu Chi Plus Zéro (CC+0) >
This fascinating adventure is dedicated to creation, and will be focused on discovering, meeting, and sharing.
As part of the cultural exchange project, the residency will bring together artists invited by CC+0, as well as a number of Vietnamese artists.
Our main goal is to develop a sustainable exchange for performing workshops between France and Vietnam every two years.
The idea is to perpetuate the artistic and human emulation between the two countries / continents / cultures.


Edition Plus Zéro >
Publishing House and Call for project


[pʁe.tɛkst][] >
(…) The construction of the hut is the result of chance, reflections and encounters.
Quickly, I imagined that this could be an excuse to bring people together to create a human adventure.
The purpose of this meeting is to transcribe the everyday life and explore our ability to transform it (breathe, think & do).
This web page tried to present the spirit of this adventure. (…)


FPDV workshop Vietnam >
(…) Organizing a workshop gives us the opportunity to create first and foremost a human adventure.
The goal is simple : to experiment, to discover, to share, to meet, to exchange, to get overwhelmed in order tofulfill our desire for knowledge.
Constant challenges and comparisons with people are the major assets of this adventure dedicated to creation. (…)


FPDV digital review 2006/2014 >
Our website FPDV aim at gathering, sharing, experiencing and promoting art contemporary and artists to public and professional audiences, by proposing thematic meetings. Transversal themes, cultures and disciplines are at the heart of these meetings, made possible through our events (exhibition, publications, printed and web based articles, live acts, workshops, A/V, artists residency…)


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